
Review: Marie Antoinette (2006)

Halo semua, kali ini aku tertarik buat ngomongin film yang baru saja aku tonton, Marie Antoinette. Untuk saat ini, sedang dalam mood me-review film-film karena pada liburan kali ini aku habiskan untuk nonton film 24/7. Oh ya, review yang aku buat ini lebih ke pendapat/pandangan pribadi sih, jadi bukan seperti kritikus film yang me-review film se-detail mungkin. Oh ya, maafin juga kalo bahasanya kaku ya...

Film Marie Antoinette bercerita tentang seorang Ratu Perancis di tahun 1700-an, Marie Antoinette (Kirsten Dunst) dan kehidupannya sebagai pemimpin negara Perancis dengan Sang Raja, Louis XVI (Jason Schwartzman) di Istana Versailles. Marie Antoinette dan Raja Louis XVI memimpin Perancis pada usia yang masih sangat muda ketika mau tidak mau harus menggantikan posisi sang kakek, Raja Louis XV yang meninggal dunia. Dalam kepemimpinannya, Marie Antoinette sebelumnya memang sudah tidak disukai rakyat perancis dikarenakan ia berasal dari Austria, yang mana merupakan salah satu musuh Perancis pada waktu itu. Ia terpaksa dinikahkan dengan putra mahkota Perancis demi menjalin persahabatan diantara kedua negara tersebut. Lambat laun, Marie Antoinette mulai disukai dikalangan keluarga kerajaan karena pribadinya yang supel dan rupanya yang cantik. Marie Antoinette juga mesti merasakan kesedihan ketika sang Ibunda dan keluarga besarnya menginginkan kelahiran putra mahkota selanjutnya darinya. Namun setelah penantian yang sangat sulit, ia akhirnya melahirkan seorang anak perempuan, Marie Therese dan disusul dengan kelahiran seorang putra mahkota. Dalam kepemimpinannya, Marie Antoinette terkenal boros, menghamburkan uang untuk keperluan pribadi dan sering mengadakan pesta dikalangan kerajaan disaat rakyat Perancis menderita kelaparan. Ia juga tidak terlalu pintar, tidak perduli akan masalah politik yang melanda negaranya, dan terlalu innocent.

Kurang lebih seperti itu cerita umumnya. Dalam filmnya sendiri, saya sangat suka style dari sang sutradara, Sofia Coppola ini. Siapa sih yang gak tau "aesthetics"-nya Sofia Coppola?  Dreamy, with soft lightning pastel-y vibe to it, picturesque dan sering diasosikan dengan teenage 90's aesthetics. Kurang lebih begitulah aku deskripsiinnya, seperti yang terlihat pada film-filmnya yang lain yaitu The Virgin Suicides (1999), Lost in Translation (2003), Somewhere (2010), dan lainnya. Bagi temen-temen yang suka sama karyanya Wes Anderson, pasti juga akan enjoy film-filmnya Sofia Coppola juga.

Film yang sekaligus disutradarai dan ditulis oleh anak dari sutradara ternama Frances Ford Coppola diadaptasi dari buku biografi, Marie Antoinette: The Journey karangan Antonia Fraser. Film ini mendapatkan piala Oscar untuk Desain Kostum Terbaik. Memang aku akui, kostum-kostum di film ini kereeen banget.

Sebagai Marie Antoinette, Kirsten Dunst memang lumayan bagus sih, cocok untuk film seperti ini. Tapi aku rasa mungkin ada yang lebih cocok lagi meranin Marie Antoinette, kenapa? karena aksennya. Ya, fyi dalam film ini, semua karakter mempunyai aksen yang berbeda-beda, yang mana bagi saya lumayan mengganggu. Karakter Louis XVI di film ini juga kurang cocok sekali. Dari penampilan sampai gayanya sebagai seorang Raja. Jason Schwartzman terlalu datar, kaku dan polos memerankan seorang Raja, penampilannya juga tidak mendapatkan kesan "royal family" dari saya. Mungkin karena bahasa tubuhnya? Secara keseluruhan, mereka berdua terlalu "lost" untuk berperan sebagai Raja dan Ratu. Lanjut, bagi saya, film ini bukan film yang tepat sebagai sumber sejarah utama yang kalian lihat kalau ingin tahu tentang Marie Antoinette. Dalam film ini, Marie Antoinette berkata "let them eat cake" ketika rakyat Perancis protes karena stok roti yang habis yang mana menurut sejarah, hal itu masih diperdebatkan kebenarannya. Film ini hanya ingin menggambarkan kisah hidup Marie Antoinette, sebagai remaja yang polos, aesthetics kehidupan mewah di istana yang indah dan tragis, dengan gaun yang indah, taman yang megah, dan juga kisah cinta dengan gaya ala Sofia Coppola, dreamy teenage angst. Film ini juga terkesan terburu-buru dibagian menuju akhir, dengan durasi 2 jam lebih seharusnya scene dalam film ini harus dapat dengan jelas menceritakan kisah Marie Antoinette secara menyeluruh. Contohnya, di bagian awal film, durasi dihabiskan untuk scene yang tidak perlu tetapi diadakan for the sake of estetika, sehingga bagi sebagian orang pasti membosankan. Dampaknya, bagian akhir yang mestinya diceritakan jadi tidak diceritakan. Walaupun kisah hidup Marie Antoinette tidak begitu lengkap diceritakan, menurut saya film ini mempunyai charm tersendiri dengan ending yang dibuat berbeda dari ekspektasi saya (well obviously we know what happened to her), a little bit unexpected but it turned out so beautifully. it makes people think of another beautiful ends to her tragic story, and it could be of million possibilities!

Kesimpulannya, saya sangat suka karya film ini, dengan style sang sutradara yang khas, kisah Marie Antoinettte yang tragis ini diceritakan dengan indahnya. Dengan musik indie rock, kostum yang indah, istana yang megah, taman-taman, kita seperti menonton film remaja ala 90-an yang memanjakan mata, beautiful tragic story of royal teens. She really takes this tragic timeless classic history tale to a whole new level. Walau bagi kebanyakan orang agak membosankan. It is really worth your time.

update: now after rewatching it, i don't think the accent thing is that annoying. maksud saya, saya mengerti sekarang mengapa  setiap cast berbicara dalam aksen ya berbeda; terutama bagi Marie Antoinette yang seharusnya meggunakan aksen perancis or at least, british? tapi malah menggunakan aksen amerika. Marie Antoinette diketahui merupakan seorang "ousider" yang mencoba untuk fit in di lingkungan barunya. Penggunaan aksen berbeda dengan yang lainnya sebagai tanda (to give you an idea) bahwa Marie Antoinette merupakan seorang pendatang merupakan hal yang clever atau cerdas bagi saya. Juga, kesan Raja dan Ratu baru yang "lost" memang ternyata dibutuhkan karena baik Marie Antoinette dan Louis XVI diketahui belum siap untuk menjadi Raja dan Ratu, plus mereka masih remaja sehingga kesan "lost" yang saya tangkap berhasil mereka berikan jika memang seperti itu seharusnya. 

Skor: 7.2/10



get to know me / 25 questions tag

1. what is your middle name?
Ryandra! fact: Ryan is not my last name, it's my middle name in short. the idea coming from how much people mispronounced my name and it kinda bugs me a lot. hence, i use Ryan cause easier.
 2. what was your favorite subject at school?
i've always loved English and History.
3. what is your favorite drink?
 tea! particularly milk tea with pudding or bubble tea!
4. what is your favorite food?
it varies! i can't decide only one particular food... haha i love japanese food, chinese food (preferably the ones with sweet and sour taste to it)! also pasta, and indonesian food in general.
5. what is the last thing you bought?
some hair ties.
6. favorite book of all time?
not all time probably because i admit i haven't read that many books and so i believe there's way more that i will like! but as of now, i like Coraline by Neil Gaiman. that book is everything!
7. favorite color?
pink!!! since i was little, u know.
8. do you have any pets?
9. favorite perfume?
i liked Daisy by Marc Jacobs and i wore it straight for several months until i run out. floral, fresh, and very light.
10. favorite holiday?
it's probably some time during Ramadan. we celebrate it festively in Indonesia. i feel like somehow during Ramadan, everything is so different, neighbors coming by delivering homemade foods, more kids playing outside, more food stalls everywhere, festivals, sales, foods, fireworks, foods, and family time!
11. are you married?
12. what is your favorite song at the moment?
Another One by Mac DeMarco

13. have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?
yes, i'm not sure tho, probs around 4 times?
14. do you speak any other language?
yes, my first language is Indonesian. then lil bit of Malay and Javanese. i took Japanese in high school for three years also, and currently interested in learning Swedish.
15. how many siblings do you have?
one brother
16.  what is your favorite shop?
any good cheap local vintage shop
17. favorite restaurant?
it's local and not a big restaurant but it serves good sushi and cheap japanese food there!
18. when was the last time you cried?
19. favorite movie?
Forrest Gump, Coraline, Harry Potter, Submarine, and loads more!
20. favorite tv show?
does anyone wish to bring 90's tv shows back to life?
21. PC or Mac?
i've been using PC all my life so...
22. what phone do you have? 
iphone 5c
23. how tall are you?
24. can you cook?
25. favorite blog?
i like thestylerookie.com by Tavi Gevinson



May Favorites / 2016

hola! greetings everybody. it's June already which i'm so excited about because what?!!! yeas finally this month i'll be going back to my hometown to celebrate Ramadan an i'll be there for like three months! i'm so excited to be back home also i'll try my best to update this blog. this month, i also have my semester test and that will be a quite hectic week for sure. so...

what are you listening to in May?

May passed by like a storm so i didn't really explore things that much. i decided i'm going to do a music favorite for the month cause there were no other favorites at all. the only thing (i'm not quite sure) i was excited about was THE NEW RADIOHEAD ALBUM // a moon shaped pool. YES YES YES. honestly, it was such a sin for me to not get updated on Radiohead anymore as they are definitely one of the bands i dig deep for the most. so when i saw Burn the Witch music video on YouTube (i'm on YT everyday + i'm a witch) recommendation list that day, i was completely in shock!
so these are songs i overplayed in the month of May:
1. Burn the Witch - Radiohead
2. True Love Waits (albu ver.) - Radiohead
3. Spectre - Radiohed
4. Daydreaming - Radiohead
5. My Kind of Woman - That Poppy
6. Awadama Fever - BABYMETAL
7. 4 no uta - BABYMETAL
8. Our Deal - Best Coast
9. Beautiful - Doja Cat
10. F*cking Young - Tyler, The Creator

so here are pictures i took that month!

at the library and the beach with friends:



my April kind of music

hey! i've been discovering lots of music/new artist throughout the month of April and yes, i have picked a few favorites out of my discoveries. when it comes to music, i like the one that sounds aproppiate for certain moods, like the song that perfectly pictures my morning routines, or sad gloomy song that you would listen on a bus home. so, right now i'm gonna share with you all my favorite music/artist that i discovered/been loving this month!

1. That Poppy

photo: Rachel Kaplan for iHeartRadio
i first discovered That Poppy on January through Scarlett Rose Turner in her January's Music Favorites and i can't put my headphones off of her ever since. she's a pastel princess, an alien from outer space, and just different. she's your new teen popstar girl and is freakin' underrated. i posted her video on snapchat and a few friends asked who she was (yea that's unexpected cause she's just too cool). she also makes fascinating YouTube videos that would me you go like, what! *i can't explain no more*
her Bubblebath EP has been on repeat all this time that it bores the loop things. each song talks about different subject like the hardship of being alone, money, love, etc and American Kids is my fav from this album. she also covers a song by Mac DeMarco and that made grateful for being present, that cover is just UNREAL plus she's a babe.


honestly, just three days ago i held an event in my campus and we invited a group that covers BABYMETAL so that was the first time i discovered them. the cover group wasn't that great in my opinion but BABYMETAL is just too good to be true. i'm not a fan, i'm just fascinated by them, i liked their stuff a lot and their just weird in a good way. they're such a cute goth metal fairy omg and the lead singer is my age. they exactly the kind of girls that i wanted to be when i was like 9 years old; kawaii goth, cute clothes, etc and now they exist and i feel like my dream never actually gone away. idk man, give them a chance omg. SO KAWAII.

3. Perfect - Tyler, The Creator ft. Kali Uchis

TYLER AND KALI ALL THE WAY. this song is a part of the song "Fcking Young" by Tyler as well but i like the music video version better rather than the album version (CherryBomb). actually, i have no personal preferences with the stuff they talk about in this song but I LIKE IT SO WHAT, that what makes it really special to me that you can feel this song though you never feel the same way before. the song talks about the hardship of loving a girl who's way younger than you and the girls response in this song. ok, ok. but for me, this song is just that kinda song when you play at 2 a.m thinking about someone who has been in your mind a lot; thinking about whose fault, you or them; and you can't get over it.
4. Clenched Teeth - Okay Kaya


5. Hiatus Kaiyote - Laputa (Taylor McFerrin Remix ft. Anderson .Paak)

Hiatus Kaiyote, hands down one of my fav bands ever. i listen to their songs a lot (no doubt) and this is the newest stuff that they have recently, enjoy.

and now it's 3.10 a.m



Common Hand Gestures in Indonesa

Hey, folks! Today, we (me, Gita, Sintia, and Mawas) are going to show you some common hand signs or gestures that are mostly used here in our country, Indonesia. Hand gestures are really helpful when you are having trouble expressing some words to others, it feels really great if someone just gets it by what you mean by only signing your hand different way as each sign means different thing, cause you know, hand speaks! Hand gestures are also used to support you words while talking to others. Hand gestures reflect some etiquette and considered very important here in Indonesia. However, we don't recommend you to use certain hand gestures in another country or places as it could mean differently (rude). So, do you know how to speak with your hands in Indonesia? 

1. I Heart U

This "I Heart U" gesture was initially popular among teenagers in some Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea. You just simply make the heart shape with your forefinger and middle finger from both of your hands. This gesture is usually used to express someone's feeling and admiration towards someone else like saying 'I LOVE YOU' or flirting.
#npowplaying you know me so well, girl i heart uuuuu

2. Cium Tangan 

This is an Indonesia way to greet elders especially to your parents, relatives, teachers, and basically someone who's OLDER than you. You use your right hand, hold their right hand, and put the back of their hand onto your forehead, or young kids like to kiss them. It is considered polite. This gesture is also commonly used when you are about to leave and want to ask for their permission.

 3. Salam / Apology

This gesture could mean a lot of things! Clasp your hand together in front of the chest while slightly bowing to greet someone. In Bali, this gesture is traced to Dharmic Añjali Mudrā. This gesture is also used to express apology when the hands are slightly raised from your chest. Indonesians used this gesture commonly in religious holidays to beg for forgiveness and bless the soul, such as Eid day and say #minalaidinwalfaidzin.

4. Be Quiet, Please

This gesture is used when someone feels annoyed and disturbed and would like to tell everyone else to be quiet or don't make any noise. Put your forefinger in front of your mouth and #sssttt... the whole room will be quiet immediately like magic. I guarantee you.

5. Mari / Monggo

This is a polite way to let someone enter the room or sit down. Make a thumbs-up sign with your thumb from both of your hands and point it to the spot where you let someone to enter. Usually used in a certain region/culture in Indonesia such as Central Java, DIY, and East Java. 

 6. Everything's Gonna Be K.

The gesture for OK is made by raising (usually the right) hand and forming a circle with the thumb and index finger. It means that everything is fine, it’s all good or great sign. However, it also means different thing in the city I'm from (Batam). It is a sarcastic way to tell someone that their joke is not funny (not so common). #O 

7. Thumbs Up!

This gesture shows that you are agree with something/someone. This sign also means that someone is complimenting you because you are doing such a good job. However, in certain parts of the Middle East, thumbs-up is considered offensive/rude.

8. Thumbs Down!

 When you don’t agree/like with someone/something, you can use this gesture to show your opinion. That also means that you have to be real upset about things maaaaan.

9. Pointing

Meanwhile in Indonesia, pointing someone with your forefinger is extremely rude and insulting, so don't ever make this gestures towards someone. If elders point to someone who is far younger, it is less rude and fair. However, pointing towards something/direction is more polite but you have to do it smoothly and don't do it with sharp, strong movement. And always, use your RIGHT hand while pointing!

10. V Sign

A hand gesture in which forefinger and middle finger are raised and parted while the rest are folded. Generally considered a “Victory” sign, it can also mean the same as “peace". Some Asians put up the V sign when they have their picture taken because it is #cute and #kawaii. But if you happen to be in the United Kingdom, don’t ever make this sign when the back of your hand is facing away from you if you don't want to get in trouble. You’ve been warned. 

11.  Stop

When you flash your palm at someone, you want them to pause or stop. You can do this while anyone is speaking and they will almost instantly be quiet  or stop moving. However, in Indonesia, using this gesture to elders is considered impolite.

12. Me! Present! Pick Me! Senpai, Please Notice Me!

Raise your hand when you are desired to be volunteered or choosen, usually when in a large group of people. While raising your hand, you also can shout "SENPAI PLEASE, NOTICE ME!” #jk

13. Air Quotes

Air quotes, which are quotation marks made with the index finger of each raised hand, accompany speech and often express the opposite to what is said, because they are gestures and expression for sarcasm.

14. High Five!

This gesture is called as "Tos" in Indonesia. It is used when two people simultaneously raise one hand, about head-high. The other person responds with the same gesture and so their palms would meet and slap together. The meaning of this gesture varies with the context of use, including greeting, congratulations, and celebration.

15. Call Me!

It is the simplest way to say "call me". Raise your thumb and little finger while the rest fingers are folded. However, if you use this sign to someone you don't know, it means flirt, which is a bit nasty eww.

16. Pinky Promise

This gesture is for "pinky swear", or to make a pinky promise, by joining the little fingers (pinky) of two people to signify that a promise has been made and they have to keep their promises.

17. No, Not Like That

Forefinger's up! while the rest left folded. Then, move the finger from right to left for several times and yeah, it simply means disagreement, or expresses "Do not".
'Can I touch this painting?' 

18. Take and Give

When the palm is upwards, it means that someone is asking for money or food (most commonly) / begging sign. It is also a pleading gesture of a street beggar and, used as a 'handover' gesture to offer to help and let someone talk.

19. Praying

As we know, Indonesia is a multicultural country that consists of different religions. Each religion has different praying practices and simply, the hand gestures while praying also differ. As a muslim-majority country, it is common to see people pray with their hands towards their face. The praying hand gestures are universal. Christians pray with their hands folded. Buddhists pray with palms held together at chest level (one of the gestures), Hindus, also clasp their hands while praying (one of the common practices).

Yeah, that still so many hand gestures that we commonly use here in Indonesia, but we think, that's all! Yeay. 


Rachella R
15112141016 - Psikologi 2A
Hand Gestures / English
Group members:
Sintia Gumara D
Mawas Dwi C
Hergita Syi Vadilla S

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