
will this be another new beginning? / January 2018 Review

first of all, i've abandoned this blog like, so much.
i didn't think of this blog for a bit last year until some days closer to new year 2018. the thoughts that i have every new year struck again; "i will start this year fresh". what i meant by "fresh" is not abandon this blog and start writing content regularly. it seemed like i always have a hard time to keep up. but this year, with all the realization i had, will i change?

will this be another new beginning for me?

January was a great beginning for me.

January was so sentimental, i got to learn so much in January. i won't be open here as it is such a personal experience for me but;
really, i never been so hectic and so productive so stressful yet so happy and relief at the same time in just one month.
it was so stressful because i had finals to possibly the hardest semester ever! during finals weeks, i just went to coffee shops to study sand do my work. glad i have friends who supported me and we got to finish our work together. 
i went to Bandung and Jakarta for holidays, since my dad stayed there for a few months. it was great, after all. i had a few friends who are Bandung and Jakarta native so we set up a meetup there and it was enough to make up for the xx concert i didn't get to catch in Jakarta. those 2 weeks, are one of the best weeks i had in a long time.
then i got to come back home to Yogyakarta, with a brand new spirit and solid plans, i know i had to continue my life with gratitude.
i documented most of the journey in a video. it's on youtube. feel free to check it out.

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